Thursday, 1 March 2012

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...

Here I am again, including literature in my posts, but the truth is that these last weeks have led me through paradoxical situations and feelings. Some days everything was going great, work was flowing and I felt like I had a million-dollar project. Other days it was quite the opposite with students getting lazy, an overload of tasks to accomplish and the hours evaporating before me.
I’m better now, though. I’ve finished my report (there will be changes, certainly, but minor ones, I hope), I’ve read and reviewed my partners’ reports, I’ve participated in the discussion and I’ve created a quiz and a crossword puzzle. And now, before I get down to work preparing tests for six of my classes, a little time to reflect on the project and this week’s tasks.
The topic this week – online tools – is great, as I use them a lot and I also enjoy creating my own resources. I have some experience with HotPotatoes, Quizfaber, JClic, ActivInspire, Google docs and moodle, but I also use all the possibilities that Microsoft Office has to offer and I often create handouts using online tools. I think we have to take advantage of everything available in order to make our work easier and more motivating.
Different types of exercises and activities also appeal to students because they enjoy variety, it arouses their curiosity and it can foster their creativity and willingness to learn. Besides, everybody knows that students learn in different ways, they have different learning styles so, the more tools you use and the more varied they are, the more you will help those students learn.
This week Anvill also has an important role in our discussions. I think it is a great project and am sorry I cannot give it all the attention it certainly deserves, but there are mid-term meetings going on in my school and I’m at school almost all day. When I arrive home I have my own project to work on: kids are back on track sharing their penzu entries regularly and posting to wallwisher. I deactivated the chat and am now trying to set up a forum. And these lessons on error analysis and correction have to be well planned. Most of the students are really engaged and making quite an effort to improve. I hope they will!


  1. I love the quote, Luisa. It is very appropriate. I feel I am on an emotional rollercoaster too. This past week was hectic and it was hard to prioritize or focus. There are moments when I can't wait for the time when I can have a bit of rest, and then I immediately feel sad that the course is going to end really soon.

  2. I knew you'd like it. And I don't think these mixed feelings will end soon. It will be a relief to have some more free time, but I think we will feel like orphans, too. Something will be missing!

  3. Hi Luisa,

    I couldn't beleive my eyes while I was reading your post this week. Is Luisa ever getting tired? You can not imagine what an impact you had on me with all the rich input you have been contributing to our discussions. Sometimes I felt so overwhelmed and exhausted that I felt like I wouldn't be able to complete whatever I had planned. And then you were my "reinforcer" either directly or implicitly.
    I wish we could collaborate after this course ends.

    1. Hi Marina,
      I loved your comment.It's good to feel people relate to what you say and feel. Sometimes I wonder if I'm not making these posts too personal, but the discussion has already been done elsewhere, so this is supposed to be a reflection, isn't it?
      Of course we can and will collaborate after the course ends. Are you on Facebook? Do you have a gmail account? I'm always sharing things there and it'll be a pleasure to add you. And maybe we should keep our blogs. You tell me.

  4. A comment from Yuliya

    Hi, Luisa!
    I think I understand your feelings. Things can not be good all the time. Fortunately, students give us some time to relax when they get too lazyJ
    I agree that this topic is great. You are lucky to have learnt all these tools and your help to all of us is great too. Thank you for your information support!
    I have tried Hotpotatoes and Google docs. Really pleased with the results I am.
    Luisa, I trust your choice of tools and surely will try Quizfaber, JClic, ActivInspire one day.
    I agree with you that what studnets apprecitae is variety. When they come to the class and still do not know what their teacher has prepared this time they are more motivated. Though it is too challenging a task for teachers to keep students interested all the time.

    Luisa, good luck to you and your students in your collobarative work!


  5. Hi Luisa!
    I share your feelings. I myself feel bipolar sometimes. I do feel we make the best of what we got in front of us, and this course is certainly a great adventure. I do believe most of us feel as if we are on a roller coaster, and we don't know when it's going to go up or down, but we are definitely enjoying the ride.

    Thanks for your post. Thanks for making me see that I'm not alone in this crazy ride hahaha.

    1. Hi, Roxana.
      This is a great adventure, indeed and I have enjoyed every minute of it so far. It's also great that I have met so many people from all over the world and shared all these experiences. It's been most enriching!

  6. Hi Luisa,

    I do have similar feeling when I do not know what to be prioritized.

    After all, We are having great time together. The accomplishing of this course is just to make a start of life-long relationships between all of us.


    1. I sincerely hope so, The. I think we're a great group and it'll be great to maintain contact when this is over.

  7. Dear Luisa

    The beautiful quote from ‘A Tale of Two Cities’ by Charles Dickens sums up our plight so aptly. I appreciate your enthusiasm and promptness. Let me admit that you and a few others have been a source of inspiration for me. This week has been a one full of ebbs. I know I’m lagging behind as compared to the rest of you but I’ve not given up hope and am trying my best to catch up with the rest of you.


    1. Dear Shaila, don't worry about lagging behind. It may so happen that you have learned even more than we have. Probably when the race started some of us were a bit ahead, but what is important is that you have learned and become a better teacher. This is not a race, we are just competing against ourselves. If we can do more now than we did before, then we have won.
