Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Thank you!

"The teacher is no longer just the master of their subject. They are much, much more. Their classroom is no longer defined by four walls and a blackboard, but stretches far beyond the physical boundaries of their school. We are global teachers, ethicists and moralist, masters of our subject and students of the world."
Andrew Churches inGlobal digital citizen - The role of the teacher

So many issues have been covered throughout these weeks and they were all so relevant for my teaching practice that it is impossible to choose a favorite. Besides, although I may have enjoyed ones more than others or felt more comfortable doing some tasks than others, everything we did was purposeful, meaningful, useful.
This course has gone beyond all the expectations I might have: I have learned a lot, I have become more aware of students’ needs, of my own strengths and weaknesses, I am a better teacher now, I think.
Week 2 brought lots of surprises with all those sites for web searching that I had never heard about. I use them all the time now and my life has become much simpler. Trying to write ABCD objectives was challenging, as it was something new to me and it made me reflect a lot on what exactly I want my students to do.
Week 3 introduced me to delicious and now I wonder why I had never tried it before. I became a fan and I now have some very nice stacks full of interesting stuff. This week was also great as we discussed aural / oral skills and how to help students develop them. There are many great ideas I have kept for further work with my students, as I want next year to engage my 8th graders in a project on listening and speaking.
The following weeks were great and I felt really good dealing with reading and writing (two of my favorite things), discussing PBL, one-computer classes or teaching resources. I don’t want to seem immodest, but I think I am quite creative and I love planning a good lesson using interesting materials and tools. Sometimes my head is swarming with ideas and I can’t wait until I put them into practice, so this course was fantastic for me, because the contact with other people and new tools allowed me to take my creativity and my ideas even further and I have countless plans for future activities.
And I shouldn’t forget week 5 with the rubrics and alternative assessment, an issue it is important to reflect on and use in class, as our students need to be assessed fairly, according to the tasks or assignments they are expected to do.
Now that we have the whole picture, we notice that there is a meaningful sequence in the course, leading us every week to a new level so that we can now integrate technology effectively in our professional practice.
In a collaborative way, and with Robert’s precious guidance, we have built knowledge. And that's why I have chosen this short video to finish this post. It's called Thank a teacher and that's exactly what I want to do: to thank all the teachers involved in this course, the ones at Oregon University, but also all the others participating in the course. Without you it wouldn't have worked so well! Thank you!


  1. Oh my god Luisa, Congratulations Your Blog is Spectacular this week...

    Is it a way to say Bye?

    I adore your video and quotation about the role of the teacher...
    This has been a wonderful experience. I hope we can keep in touch, to share more ideas...
    My twitter: @orchidf my facebook: Orquidea Flores.


  2. Thank you, Orquidia.
    Of course we will keep in touch and we will continue sharing our experiences. Good teachers live forever, remember?

  3. Hello, Luisa!

    Our feelings about the course seem to be mutual, and I would like to thank you personally for great ideas and resources you shared with us during these 10 weeks.


  4. Hi, Helen!
    I think everybody has shared great ideas and resources and we will all miss this time together. You were a great classmate!

  5. Hi Luisa

    what a nice way to thank teachers! You've been great all the way through!

    Thank you for your enthusiasm, hard work and support.

    I'd be happy if we continue collaborating and why not meet one day. I invited you on

    what do you think?



    1. I always welcome those invitations, Marina. I'll check on the group later. Any way to collaborate is good as long as we have open minds and the will to share and learn.

  6. Hello Luisa

    Thank you for sharing this lovely video....It conveys our feelings for our teachers of this class...Ya we need to thank our Instructor-Robert & his entire team for putting together the course for this wonderful class.

    I also wish to extend my sincere thanks to you & our other co-participants for their valuable contributions.I have learnt from all of you.

    A big 'thank you' to each one of you !!


    1. We have all learned. I think everyone had something valuable to share, even one's difficulties and doubts made us learn. I'm glad we were together in this course.

  7. Hi Luisa,

    We seem to have approached this last post in a similar way:) Thank you for travelling this far with me and for helping me along the way, my friend. Getting to know you was just one of the great things that happened to me in this course.


  8. Thank you, Natasa. You know the same is true for me. We shouldn't be sad: this may be the end of the course, but it can be the beginning of some many other things...

  9. A comment from Yuliya

    Hi, Luisa!

    I do feel the same way. I could hardly imagine the course would have such great impact on me. I hope that I have become a better teacher too but not only beacuse I have learnt to use technology tools. Our collaborative communication, discussions on the Nicenet and reading we worked with contributed much to our general understanding of what teaching should be like.
    Luisa, thank you very much for what you have done for me. Your weekly blog posts you sent me via e-mail helped me feel a part of our global class, it was a window to a new world.



  10. Hi Luisa,

    I will remember you as a technology Guru and that you will share me more all the time when I ask right?


    Thank you indeed for what you have shared. I learnt a lot from you.


  11. Thank you The. You're too nice. Join me on facebook. There's a group going on there already. Look for Luisa LIma with the picture I have here on the blog. See you!
